Should You Send Out a Few Samples of X39… or Not?

We are asked regularly if we will produce packaging that can be used to send out small quantities of X39®.  The short answer, no.  Here’s why:  Even though we have all witnessed, experienced, heard about people who have seen benefits from X39® within minutes or hours or a few days, we have also heard of people who have felt or seen nothing for weeks and then Wham! Amazing results.  The key is let people try X39® for as long as it takes. Sure, you could try giving/selling small sample packs to people, as long as you have a strategy for rolling them into a longer use period if they haven’t seen results in 7 days.  But generally we suggest give X39® ample time to work.  Certainly within 30 days, at least 90% of people who have tried X39® will understand its power.  Remember: We have a very strong 30-Day Money Back Guarantee (from date of shipment).  Let them know that.  Give them time to feel and see the power of X39® – and it will deliver!