Researchers discover link between inflammation and cognitive decline in old age

Check out this  important article that shows a connection between inflammation and cognitive decline in old age.

New research conducted over a 20-year period, suggests chronic inflammation may be a useful biomarker for future cognitive decline in later life. Alongside offering an important new risk factor for cognitive decline later in life, the research suggests treating chronic inflammation at a younger age may act as a preventative measure for future neurodegeneration.

Think about how LifeWave products can help: GHK-Cu, the copper peptide that is elevated by our new X39™ patch, is known to both manage inflammation as well as improve cognitive function. Carnosine, in our patch studies, has been shown to improve cognitive function in people over the age of 60. And Y-Age Aeon has been shown to be a very powerful product in managing inflammation.

Always remember how effective LifeWave technology can be in helping reduce people’s pain and suffering.