The WinFit launch has been a tremendous success! We are thrilled to see so much excitement around LifeWave‘s revolutionary new body-shaping and fat loss program! The number of participants on our educational webinars and the WinFit sales numbers speak for themselves.

We know you are excited to grow your business with WinFit. To help you do that, we are working on getting translated WinFit marketing materials out to our distributors as soon as possible.

Here’s a timeline of what you can expect:

  • We will be sending all of the translated materials to our Leaders for review during the week of September 26, to make sure we are providing the best quality materials we possibly can.
  • Once our Leaders have a chance to review and provide feedback:
    • We will have PDFs of translated materials posted in the Back Office by the middle of October in 6 languages: Danish, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish.
    • We anticipate having translated print materials available at the end of October in 6 languages: Danish, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish.

In the meantime, we want to keep the buzz going!

Be sure to sign up and tell everyone about all the ways to get the WinFit word out:

  • Join us each Tuesday for our WinFit Marketing webinars in Danish 10am PT, German 11am PT and English 5pm PT (Please note, both Danish and German calls are also in English.)
  • Join us each Friday for our WinFit Training webinars in Danish 10am PT, German 11am PT and English 5pm PT. Open to all participating in the WinFit Body Shaping Program. (Please note, both Danish and German calls are also in English.)
  • Access the WinFit materials in English from the Back Office under Marketing Tools
  • Coming soon: Look for a new WinFit PowerPoint to aid in all WinFit sales discussions