Stress and Aging

Psychological stress has been suggested to accelerate the rate of biological aging. Y-AGE_AEON_White_Envelope_EU

A study “Work-Related Exhaustion and Telomere Length: A Population-Based Study” [1] was carried was carried out in 2012 to review this.

Work-related stress occurs when the demands of the work environment exceed the worker’s ability to cope with or control them [2]. In Europe, its prevalence is around 20% and the annual cost of work-related stress is estimated to be 20 billion euro in the 15 original European Union Member States [3]. In the US, workers experiencing fatigue were estimated to cost employers an excess of 101 billion dollars [4].

A representative sample of the Finnish working-age population was used, consisting of 2911 men and women aged 30-64. In conclusion, the data showed that work-related exhaustion is related to the acceleration of the rate of biological aging.

To reduce stress, try the LifeWave Y-Age Aeon Patches, they are clinically proven to reduce stress in the body. The patches are free from drugs, chemicals and stimulants.



  1. Work-Related Exhaustion and Telomere Length: A Population-Based Study. Published 11 Jul 2012. Kirsi Ahola, Ilari Sirén, Mika Kivimäki, Samuli Ripatti, Arpo Aromaa, Jouko Lönnqvist, Iiris Hovatta. Available:
  1. European Social Dialogue: Framework Agreement on Work-Related Stress (2004) Accessed 2011 Nov 28. Stress European Social Dialogue: Framework Agreement on Work-Related2004Accessed 2011 Nov 28. Available: Available:
  1. EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2009) OSH in figures: stress at work – facts and figures. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. EU-OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work2009OSH in figures: stress at work – facts and figures. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Available: Accessed 2011 Sep 9. Accessed 2011 Sep 9.
  1. Ricci JA, Chee E, Lorandeau AL, Berger J (2007) Fatigue in the U.S. workforce: prevalence and implications for lost productive work time. J Occup Environ Med 49: 1–10.JA RicciE. CheeAL LorandeauJ. Berger2007Fatigue in the U.S. workforce: prevalence and implications for lost productive work time.J Occup Environ Med49110. Available: